Support to Conflict resolution and Peace building

Peace mediation and reconciliation between conflicting community members, groups or factions. Peace is one of the most important elements in development; for that reason, when we are tackling the issue of hunger and poverty, the communities have to be in harmony and peaceful.

Music gala and sports for peace and reconciliation among community members including children
Promoting gender equality and women empowerment;
Working with men and women to eradicate inequalities that makes and keeps women poor, vulnerable and marginalized. This shall be ongoing program under Northern Uganda Men's Resource Center (NUMREC); when NUMREC is fully established.
Building of Northern Uganda Men's Resource Center (NUMREC) in Orom, Northern Uganda.

This is an approach to bring men to ally with women in order to promote Gender Equality and Empower Women and Girls. The programs here shall be to encourage and strengthen men to stop and prevent Gender Based Domestic Violence against women and girls.
When Northern Uganda Men's Resource Center (NUMREC) is fully established, the Programs here among others shall be: domestic abuse and family crisis, management of anger, stress and depression, substance abuse and addiction, sex addiction and sexual abuse etc.
Psycho-social and economic support to vulnerable women
Provision of psychological healing and revolving funds to widows and single mothers to enable them gain resilience
Promoting participation of people with disabilities (PWD) in the society through empowerment People with disabilities are often helpless, confined in their homes and are dependent on their family members for daily living. In the rural areas, People with disabilities (PWD) are the poorest in their communities,with food insecurity, poor accommodation, limited vocational and entrepreneurship skills, limited access to micro-credit, limited or without resources like money, domestic animals and poultry etc.